I am but Your slave
I don't deserve to be love by You
But I'm longing for You since You are Love itself
I don't deserve to say 'I love You'
But I really do
O Lord,I wish to meet You but I can't
At this state of mine, I was overcome by my lower-self
Give me strenght O Almighty
I'm yet a weak servant of Yours
Forgive me for the sins that i've done
Cause there's none that can forgive me beside You
You're the One who is Exceedingly Forgiving
So please forgive me
In reality i know that i don't exist
But yet again you bring me to life from Your Beloved whom divine peace and blessings be upon him.
O Lord,You've made me realise about the reality
So please don't make me blind from it again
If i ever wonder from Your Love
Please Bring me back to Your Love again,though i have no right to ask for that
I really do Love You so please don't leave me
From You i came from and to You i wish to go back to
I know i'm a sinner,a liar..
But Your limit to Forgiveness is limitless
I am blind by the veil of Yours
And I wish I could unveil it
But i can only do it if You're willing me to
Everything is done cause of Your will
Without Your will nothing is at it is
I wish to feel an atom of Your Love though i don't deserve it
If not an atom i wish for half an atom
If not then a quater of an atom
If not the least part of an atom
O Most Loving ,blow Your Love onto us
For Your Love is ever Eternal