Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) used to be in the employ of a rich man. Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) hadsuch great love for Allah and contact with Him, that it created within him high moral characterand exemplary habits. This was a clear sign of his nobility and nearness to Allah. The detailsof that is described in Surah Luqman in the Quran Sharif. .The nobility of Luqman's (A.S.) character had a great effect on his master, so much sothat the master considered him as a great friend and a beloved companion. Although hewas the master, yet in fact the master became like a slave to his employee.''It is the miracle of love that the King became a slave of his beloved".It then became the practice of the master that whenever he had something special to eat,he would first feed Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) of it and after Luqman (A.S.) had filled himself,he would then eat the leftovers. Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) would consider the love of themaster and his habit so he would eat moderately and send what was left over to the master.One day, during the melon season, the master received a melon from somewhere.At that time Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) was not present. The master sent one of hisslaves to go and call him. When Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) arrived, the master cut themelon into slices and slice by slice started giving thereof to Hazrat Luqman (A.S.)to eat. As he ate the slices, the master inwardly became pleased at the effect hislove was having upon Hazrat Luqman (A.S.).Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) ate the slices of melon with great pleasure and all the timeexpressed thanks for the favour shown to him by the master. After having eatenthe slices, when just one slice remained, the master said: "Let me eat this sliceand see how sweet is this melon". Saying this, he put the slice into his mouth.Immediately such bitterness spread from: the tip of his tongue down to his throat,that-as a result of the bitterness of the melon, he fell down unconscious andremained unconscious for a whole hour.Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) replied: "Khwaja Saheb, from your hands I have receivedhundreds of gifts. The burden of thanks upon me is so great that my back hasgone crooked. Hence, I felt ashamed that the hand that had granted me so muchfavours, if one day some distastefulness or bitterness should come,how can I turn away from it? a Khwaja Saheb, the pleasure of knowing that it comesfrom your hands has changed the bitterness of the melon to sweetness"
LESSON: Moulana Shah Phulpoori (R.A.) (May Allah fill his resting placewith Noor) used to relate this story with great pleasure and used to repeat the lastcouplet. While relating this story he used to advise thus:"At every given moment there are numerous bounties and favours of Allah upon men. But if ever for amoment some such incident takes place which brings with it a problem and outwardly causes somedifficulty, man loses patience and fails to be grateful. On the other hand, there are those to whomthrough the blessings and the company of the Saintly ones, Allah has granted a good understanding ofdeeni affairs, so that when sorrows and difficulties touches them, they remain happy and pleased withtheir Lord. At such times, they draw strength from their good understanding of deen and realise thatthis world is like a hospital and we are all like patients in it. There are times when the doctor gives thepatient medicine like "halwa-e-badaam" (sweet medicine) to eat and at other times feeds them" charaita"and" Ghuloo-e-neb" which are very bitter. However, in both of these there are beneficial results forthe patient. Similarly, Allah is the "AI-Hakeem", the All-Wise and at the same time is the Al-Haakim" -Ruler. He is also the "AI-Raheem", the Merciful One. Hence, whatever conditions are to befall us inaccordance with Allah's pre determination, whether it brings out comfort or discomfort, all these are forour benefit and in our interest.The Hadith teaches us that for some bondsmen, a high rank has been determined. But sometimes, thatbondsman has not acquired the good deeds to reach to such a high rank. Hence Allah causes him tobecome involved with some calamity, which if he accepts and bears patiently, he is able to reach thathigh position.Hence, a Mumin (believer) should remain pleased in times of misfortunes. In other words, there shouldbe no complaints or objections from his tongue. He should at all times seek Allah's pardon andforgiveness for sins and pray for safety from calamities:"0 Allah, we are weak and do not possess the patience to bear the difficulty of calamities.Please, in Your Infinite Mercy, change the calamity to the safety of Your pardon".