Sunday, December 6, 2009

Confession of God Slave: O Greatest Woman in my life

O you are the shining star of my life

Your guidance make me strive to be who i am

Your love and caring is irreplaceable

O you've been honored by the Lord

You've been blessed with so many blessings

Heaven lies under your feet

O i'll sacrifice everything for you

Your blessed womb is where i began

And your pleasing is my ending

O you've sacrifice everything for me

Your wealth, your health,your dream and your time

I can't repay your limitless kindness

O you're a diamond in my eyes

And the rest are just pebbles of the illusion

You've even sacrifice your life by giving me life

O you're the third commandment after Him

Obeying you is His command

By doing that is the little that i can do

For your limitless kindness and compassion

Your mercy came from His attributes

Your compassion came from His attributes

Your love came from His attributes

O greatest woman in my life

I've sinned much on you

Yet you close your eyes

Before i ask for your forgiveness

You've already forgiven me

What useless son am i

There's nothing that can repay you

The only and the least thing i can do is

Obeying you and fulfill your desires and will

Without rebelling you

By His Mercy and Compassionate

I pray that He will protect you

Here and Afterwords

I hope to see you smile on that day

When there's no shelter except for His'

O Secrets of Mankind

There's none that can protect nor shelter except You

So i'm asking and praying to You

Asking for Your shelter to shelter her

When every person are tormented by their fear

and are drowning in their sweat

I'm asking you to protect her O Lord

Praise be to You alone

And if there's any other praying sincerely towards You for us

With a pure heart please accept our prayers and may my life be sacrifice for her

And may Divine Peace and Blessings be upon our beloved Mustafa

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