Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Confession of God Slave:Love or Lust?

Love came from God

While Lust came from the devil

Love is wonderful

While Lust is not

Woe onto those who said Love are hurtful

For they have yet to taste true love

Love is an eternity pleasurable thing

It can not harm the lover nor the beloved

But lust is a hurtful thing

For its pleasures are only temporary

People complains on how they were hurt went they are in love

What liars are they for they have yet to taste true love

For what they thought is love was actually lust

Love is one of the purest thing in the world

It what makes the Wolrds go around

The reason that every atoms are vibrating

For their love for the Divine is uncontrolable,

While lust is other wise
Love is God,

For He is the Most Loving.

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